Passionate about business.
We were like many of our customers. We were confidant that our product was valuable and effective for businesses - we just needed to get attention. Since then, we’ve become experts in the are of cold emailing, because we believe it is the most cost effective way to engage with the decision makers that can become your future customers!
Brian Krupkin
Cofounder, Messaging and Creative Marketing Specialist
10 year ago Brian endeavored to jump from being a ‘hired gun’ specialist to starting his own company. Like many who start from scratch, he needed to learn all facets of what it takes to start a thriving business. From this experience he has now launched, and currently runs , 3 successful marketing businesses. His skill set is well-suited for modern professional marketing and has become a leader in making business connections in a professional, responsible and effective manner.
Chris Moskal
Cofounder, Business Development and Marketing Automation Specialist
Chris is a veteran in the world of business and has experience in multiple areas. A serial entrepreneur and financial market expert, Chris has launched several businesses and consulted in many ventures. He has advanced proficiency in the fine points of digital marketing with a specialty in automated email pipelines.

“Chris and his team not only built our sales pipeline from scratch, he gave us a better understanding of why this method works - and it does!”
Kim Benintendo
Operations Manager - Direct Marketing